Girl on the move

6629875515_a5fb1415db_bWe’re living in good times were women can be what they want to be but that doesn’t mean the society still treats women as equals of man.Yes there is an element of inequality within societies,but will they ever be fair?Yes we have rights ,women activists,women clubs …… a lot of women are standing for what they believe  but the question is are you?also fighting for what you believe or you’re letting other women fight for you.

It takes drive,passion to bloom to your full potential.Yes we are the girl child but does that mean all we should do is bare children ?No ,we also have dreams ,we can act on it …..We can pursue a career as well as have a family.Some say you can never have the best of both worlds but i say you can have a taste of both worlds with one world sweeter than the other.

So lets start moving Rome wasn’t built in one day

2 thoughts on “Girl on the move

  1. well i agree girl but it should be a fight, just stand for what you believe and ensure your growth as a woman that way everyone can see it and they would have to give you what you deserve. #workhard #branditt

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  2. Well said….a girl has a right to dream and bring her dream to reality, and still be a good wife and mother. I believe in the best of both worlds and the secret to that is for a girl to know how to prioritise her time and have the wisdom to know what to do and when to do it.

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